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Celebrating Nowruz: A Glimpse into Hunza's Rich Traditions

In history, Nawruz emerges as a tale of resilience and joy. Originating over three millennia ago in ancient Persia, Nawruz, meaning "New Day," paints a picture of fresh beginnings and vibrant celebrations. With its roots deep in the soil of Zoroastrianism, Nawruz blossoms with the arrival of spring, embracing the earth's renewal and marking the start of a new year in the Persian calendar.  Across epochs and empires, Nawruz embarked on a journey, crossing borders and transcending time to spread its warmth and cheer to distant lands. Nestled amidst the breathtaking peaks of the Karakoram Range, the valleys of Hunza became a new canvas for Nawruz's colorful traditions, blending with local customs and infusing the region with an air of festivity and unity. In the captivating valleys of Hunza, a timeless celebration unfolds with the arrival of Nawruz. Here, among the rugged peaks and lush meadows, traditions are as woven into daily life as threads in a cherished tapestry,

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