A Short Note

Gilgit Baltistan, a region surrounded by mighty grey and black peaks of Himalaya, Karakorum, Hindu Kusch and Pamir Ranges, the glittering milky mountain caps, transforming themselves to gold at nights, the wide crystal blue sky, the breeze, unique culture and its beautiful inhabitants invites the world to witness the unseen beauty , explore and get more close to nature.

It is the land from where Europeans, Africans, Arabians, Armenians, Greeks and Asians trade via shahra-e-reshem (silk rout) and a great cultural exchange of the major part of the world was done by these traders during unending their journey.
 Home of Aryans, descendents of Alexander the great and some other ethnic groups, who speak indo-European languages.
It is the place where India met Eurasian planet and formed mighty ranges of Himalayas, Gilgit is home to 6 out of 14 eight thousander peaks of world. It shares its borders with china, India, Afghanistan and Indian occupied Kashmir.

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